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Desk with Book

The Writing of Alisa Gladyseva:  independent researcher

Literary Portfolio

Scientific Research Projects

A Treasured Collection

The Voynich manuscript is decoded by Alisa Gladyseva


Research years: 2015-2021

The Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional and amateur cryptographers, including American and British code breakers, but nobody of them could decipher it. So in this unique book, the reader is invited to experience the joy appreciating of decoding the WHOLE Voynich manuscript which has eluded understanding for more than 500 years! It is a well- documented text - dissertation of 700 pages for degree gaining with extensive endnotes of step-by-step deciphering and morphological proving of every word, that was written in medieval Galician (Galician-Portuguese), using the Latin, old-French, and old Catalan names of flowers. It provides qualitative analyze, based on up-to-date innovative research.

Research years: 2015-2019. The book has a three main parts:

1. Decoding flowers names. Plants' names are a key for an Alphabet characters' definition.

2. Reading the WHOLE Voynich manuscript

3. Deciphering the double coded Alchemy text of the Voynich Manuscript.

Coded Jewish Ancient texts


Research years: 2017-2021

Analyzing and research of Tehilim coded text.

This scientific work describes the absolutely new way of deciphering Jewish Ancient texts. Fashioned as high-innovative research, top- echelon publication, investigation into Zogar corresponding texts to the coded Jewish Ancient texts.

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Sanskrit Proto-signs paleography

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Research years: 2017-2021

I.     INTRODUCTION – Catch  a fish.

    The discoveries of  Proto-Indian signs received the greatest interest after 1822, when under the direction of Sir John Marshall the seals were found  in Harappa,  Montgomery district as well as the seals from  Mohenjo- Daro of the Lakarna district of Sindhi that were found a little later in 1875.

   Many attempts at decipherment have been made since the first known seals were published. The total lack of translations into known scripts and languages such as bilinguals is the very important reason the Indus script remained undecipherable.

II.     Why my deciphering was successful? - Deciphering options require an integrated approach to be effective.

  Various conclusions about the people and their language have been drawn in there. The correct sound’s value of the symbols, that is a key for decipherment of an absolutely unknown scripts and strong evidence of it success.

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Studying and research of Sanskrit coded texts


Research years: 2017-2021

Deciphering the most ancient texts of the Vedas.

In Sumerian  scripts You may find references to Vedas scripts in Epos about Gilgamesh,that means  Vedas were already have been known to Sumerians.

The style of thinking, cultural education of the Vedic literature and culture  represents a high intellectual knowing in the such science like mechanics, physics, astronomy, astrology, math, chemistry,alchemy.  According Bhavishya Purana literature,’the Vedic texts contain knowledge of everything – past, present and future.’ In Agni Purana ‘10.8.6 Literature and Grammar’ section  we may find a key to Sanskrit. It is named here ‘the language of the gods.

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